SMART Analytics

Get Realtime Analytics Done Right with RMPro SMART Analytics.

Rug Retail

Rug Services

Unlock the value of your business historical data, get meaningful insights and leverage them to grow your business.

Problems that we Have the solutions


SMART Historical Analytics.

Unstructured Data Challenges

Extracting insights from unstructured business data is overwhelming and challenging.

SMART Historical Analytics.

Get meaningful insights from your historical data with Smart Analytics to leverage advantages.


Holistic Data Comparisons

Data Inconsistency

Inconsistency in collecting, storing, and analyzing business data causes operational issues.

Holistic Data Comparisons

Access all historical data comparisons across months, weeks and years to make informed decisions.


Free Answers Available

Costly Data Analysis

High expenses incurred in employing data analysts for business analysis.

Free Answers Available

Ask your questions from your own data, and get the most accurate answers with SMART Analytics.


Enhance Sales Strategies

Pattern Identification

Identifying trends and patterns throughout the year can be challenging.

Enhance Sales Strategies

Enhance sales by targeting top-selling areas, trending products, and top-performing salespeople.


Google Earth integration

Ad Targeting Analysis

Targeting advertisements is a challenging task and requires a thorough analysis of data.

Google Earth integration​

Optimize Advertising Spend using top zip codes and demographic data from SMART Analytics/G. Earth integration.


Sales Comparison Analysis

Identifying issues

Sales decisions and issues cannot be identified without a thorough sales comparison.

Sales Comparison Analysis

See daily, weekly and yearly sales performance comparisons across 5 years of historical data

Software SMART Analytics Work space

Frequently asked Questions

Define access privileges, track user activity using logged transactions, and prevent unauthorized malicious activities

What tools are available to help improve business?

There are many tools available for RMPro which can improve your business. This includes things like Analysis Reports, Dashboard, Open-to-Buy, SMART Growth, SMART Analytics, and much more.

How can I measure my business with RMPro?

RMPro offers our SMART Analytics tool, allowing you to carefully analyze your business trends, drill into the details, and even connect with your QuickBooks to exchange expense information. Several attached tools provide more in-depth details, such as pinning your customers on Google Maps, checking the weather history on a specific day, or even just discovering which day of the week you get the most business.

Can SMART Analytics reduce operating costs?

Yes, SMART Analytics can help reduce operating costs by identifying unprofitable stores or products that can lead to strategic decisions to close or eliminate them.


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